Учитесь ли вы иностранному языку или говорите на нем в совершенстве, любите ли читать книги на языке автора, а не в переводе – вам в этот раздел! Успешным бизнесменам, топ-менеджерам и тем, кто хочет таковыми стать будет полезен Курс делового английского языка. Тем, кто уже владеет английским, повезло - они могут прямо сейчас, не дожидаяь перевода на русский, прочитать захватывающий роман Стивена Joyland и европейский бестселлер Inferno Дэна Брауна. Ну, а тем, кто решил провести свой отпуск во Франции, пригодится Русско-французский разговорник и словарь.
бумажная книга
Wortschatz Intensivtrainer A2: ermoglicht die grundliche Einubung und Festigung des Wortschatzes...
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From the top to the bottomI think that you’ll seethat this pond here is livelyas lively can...
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Would you rather be a a or a drum? (How would you like to have someone going boom-boom on your...
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At night, when we are feeling tired and ready for bed, owls are just waking up. But one curious...
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A three-level course reflecting the interests of young teenagers. - WOW! takes the form of a...
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Have the drive, but need the know how to start and run a business? This book is for you! Named a...
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To celebrate his decision to take the next step with his boyfriend Ian, Toshi Baylor plans a...
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In the depths of the Maine woods, the wreckage of an aeroplane is discovered. There are no...
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Life on the Sicily Isles in 1907 is bleak and full of hardship. Laura`s twin brother, Billy,...
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In this sequel to The Chase, Detective Isaac Bell returns to try and stop the mysterious saboteur...
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A wonderful rhyme book full of action and noise - guaranteed to make kids love poetry! Whenever...
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This high beginner to low intermediate writing course teaches the basics of paragraph writing....
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This is a comprehensive academic writing skills book that includes authentic readings and a study...
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Using engaging writing assignments, relevant themes, and interactive exercises, the Write Ahead...
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Write a Play - and Get It Performed is designed for would-be writers of every level and for all...
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This imaginative companion to the New York Times bestselling Secret Series teases, prompts, and...
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Writers at Work: The Short Composition is based on the popular Bridges to Academic Writing, which...