Учитесь ли вы иностранному языку или говорите на нем в совершенстве, любите ли читать книги на языке автора, а не в переводе – вам в этот раздел! Успешным бизнесменам, топ-менеджерам и тем, кто хочет таковыми стать будет полезен Курс делового английского языка. Тем, кто уже владеет английским, повезло - они могут прямо сейчас, не дожидаяь перевода на русский, прочитать захватывающий роман Стивена Joyland и европейский бестселлер Inferno Дэна Брауна. Ну, а тем, кто решил провести свой отпуск во Франции, пригодится Русско-французский разговорник и словарь.
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Twelve remarkable, gritty stories starring Detective Inspector John Rebus in his home city of...
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Halloween Night, 1954. A young, film-obsessed scriptwriter has just been hired at one of the...
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It`s time now to go to wherever on earth the wild babies grow. Join the Cat in the Hat as he...
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This extraordinarily well-reviewed first novel introduces Scotland Yard s Inspector Thomas Lynley...
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Tiffany Aching, a hag from a long line of hags, is trying out her witchy talents again as she is...
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Tiffany Aching, a hag from a long line of hags, is trying out her witchy talents again as she is...
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Despite his obvious talents and natural abilities, Pechorin is restless and bored. Travelling...
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Focus on Grammar, Second Edition, is a four-level grammar series written by practicing...
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"Focus on Grammar", Second Edition, is a four level grammar series written by practicing...
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Икона является неотъемлемой частью православной традиции, без нее трудно представить православный...
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Washington Irving (1783 - 1859) was an American short story writer, essayist, biographer,...
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From battlefield to sacred building, from castle to cottage, from the Bridgwater Canal to...
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This title presents the evolution of the ad. The history of western advertising is a long one,...
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Пособие предназначено для студентов и аспирантов лингвистических вузов и факультетов, а также...
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This book takes a dramatically original approach to the history of humanity, using objects which...
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"A History of Modern Britain" confronts head-on the victory of shopping over politics. It tells...
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Britain is a small country but it has a long history. Two thousand years ago it was part of the...
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A hermit crab who has outgrown his old shell moves into a new one, which he decorates and...