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Il y a lieu de croire que Rogojine eprouva cette brusque sensation d`epouvante; venant s`ajouter...
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Jane, a brave and sensual Englishwoman, is caught in a deadly romantic triangle between rival...
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Gemeinsam mit seiner Freundin Constanze lernt Patrick Reich Spanisch. Als ein Teilnehmer aus...
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Im Sommer 1989 zog die erste Loveparade über den Ku’damm, aber der eigentliche Startschuss...
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Das Schicksal einer kleinen Gruppe politischer Flüchtlinge: Auf der Flucht vor den Nazis...
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Fruhlingsgefuhle bei "Meier & Meier". In den Kindergarten kommt ein neuer Junge und Iris findet...
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В настоящем сборнике представлены ранние рассказы Германа Гессе, поэта, прозаика, философа, одной...
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Vier großartige, liebevolle, traurige, grausame Geschichten: `Mitten ins Herz`,...
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Olivia genoss den Anblick der Pelikane, die über dem Wasser dahinglitten, und sie lauschte...
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In this stunning debut, author Scott Lynch delivers the wonderfully thrilling tale of an...
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" L`histoire saugrenue du lieutenant Kijé a pu passer pour l`invention d`un esprit...
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Christopher Ciccone`s extraordinary memoir is based on his forty-seven years of growing up with,...
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Pi Patel is an unusual boy. The son of a zookeeper, he has an encyclopedic knowledge of animal...
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The novel was written in 1960 and it is one of the most famous and popular of post-war novels....
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For seven decades, "Life" has been thrilling the world with its unrivalled presentation of the...
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A forerunner of psychological fiction, and considered a landmark work for its innovative use of...
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LIFE STYLE is the first book to document Maus creative process and his studio practice, Bruce Mau...
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"Life"`s editors have re-visited and updated more than half of this book, refreshed the...
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Before he died on a storm-wracked night, Jimmy Tock`s grandfather predicted there would be five...
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Control was the word Dr Toby Harper lived by. She strove to keep her life in order, her ER in...
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The Victorian era has dominated the popular imagination like no other period, but the familiarity...