Учитесь ли вы иностранному языку или говорите на нем в совершенстве, любите ли читать книги на языке автора, а не в переводе – вам в этот раздел! Успешным бизнесменам, топ-менеджерам и тем, кто хочет таковыми стать будет полезен Курс делового английского языка. Тем, кто уже владеет английским, повезло - они могут прямо сейчас, не дожидаяь перевода на русский, прочитать захватывающий роман Стивена Joyland и европейский бестселлер Inferno Дэна Брауна. Ну, а тем, кто решил провести свой отпуск во Франции, пригодится Русско-французский разговорник и словарь.
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This collection features 14 short stories exploring themes typical of Hemingway. Each one deals...
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The work of Erich Mendelsohn is extraordinarily open-minded in its attitude to material and...
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MENSCHEN : Ist ein Lehrwerk fur Erwachsene und junge Erwachsene. Fuhrt mit MENSCHEN zum Niveau A2...
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Im Zeitraum von 1995 bis 2002 hatte Christof Krackhard als freier Fotograf der Boulevardpresse...
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"Peut-on comparer le bon gros mensonge masculin, stratégique, architecturé, aussi...
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Editors Oscar Williams and Edwin Honig concentrate on the work of twenty major American poets.
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Battling dangerous beasts such as ferocious lions, venomous snakes, or swarms of man-eating...
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William Makepeace Thackeray (1811—1863) was a British author and novelist mostly known for his...
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«La méprise, dans un esprit de parenté absolu avec le reste de mes livres, n`a aucun...
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New York Times bestselling author Faye Kellerman pens the next thrilling mystery starring Peter...
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James Fenimore Cooper was a prolific and popular American writer of the first half of the 19th...
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The Merchant of Venice is perhaps most associated not with its titular hero, Antonio, but with...
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In Venice, Bassanio needs money to court a rich heiress. His merchant friend Antonio borrows the...
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Classic / British English (Available February 2008) Bassanio wants to get married, but he has no...
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Antonio is a successful merchant. To help his friend get married, he borrows money from a...
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The police chief of a small Massachusetts town, Cameron McDonald makes the toughest arrest of his...
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At first the prisoner scratches at the walls until her fingers bleed. But there is no escaping...