Книги издательства565

Petit bonhomme de pain depices


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Petit bonhomme de pain...

Un jour, Bill demande à sa grand-mère de préparer un petit bonhomme de pain...

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Phantom Of The Opera (The)  NEd Bk +D


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Phantom Of The Opera...

In 1880 a legendary spectre haunts the famous Opera House in Paris. There are all sorts of...

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Phedre Livre


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Phedre Livre

Avec cette tragedie en alexandrins, Racine nous emporte dans le monde mythologique auquel...

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Piazza Navona. Livello A1-A2. Corso di italiano per stranieri. Libro + CD. Fratter I. , Troncarelli C


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Piazza Navona. Livello...

Piazza Navona e un corso destinato a studenti di italiano lingua straniera о seconda per il...

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Piazza Navona Guida per linsegnante


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Piazza Navona Guida...

The Teacher’s Book an introduction to the methodology of the course, instructions for carrying...

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Pickwick Papers +D


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Pickwick Papers +D

In Dickens’s first novel, Samuel Pickwick and three other members of the Pickwick Club decide to...

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Picture Of Dorian Gray (The)  Bk +D


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Picture Of Dorian Gray...

When the superbly handsome Dorian Gray sees his portrait he makes a terrible wish: that the...

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Picture Of Dorian Gray (The) Bk +D


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Picture Of Dorian Gray...

The publication in 1890 of Wilde`s only novel led to a furious public debate over art and...

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Pierre et le loup


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Pierre et le loup

Pierre’s grandfather warns him about going into the forest: it’s still winter, so the wolves are...

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Pierre Du Grand Nord Livre +D


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Pierre Du Grand Nord...

Fourteen-year-old Thomas Laventure has been living for the last six months with his family in...

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Plus jamais ca + CD + App


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Plus jamais ca + CD + App

Lancelot Leger deteste aller en classe. Pourtant, son colle`ge est chouette et ses profs sont...

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Short french novel with various activities/questions throughout. Glossy pages. Great for learning...

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Power and Ambition in Shakespeare +D


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Power and Ambition in...

A power-hungry Richard III, a remorseful Macbeth, a revengeful Prince Hamlet, a powerful Julius...

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Pride And Prejudice Bk +D


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Pride And Prejudice Bk +D

When Mr Bingley comes to live at Netherfield bringing his friend Mr Darcy with him, Mrs Bennet is...

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Pride And Prejudice+Cd Newed R&T


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Pride And Prejudice+Cd...

Представляем вашему вниманию книгу "Pride And Prejudice".

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Prince And The Pauper (The) Bk +D


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Prince And The Pauper...

The GREEN APPLE series is composed of illustrated graded readers. The readers are graded into...

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Princesa del Artico +D


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Princesa del Artico +D

Nieve, a whale from Greenland, is orphaned: the mother was caught by a whaler. Sebastian, the son...

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Problem Of Cell 13 (The) Bk+D


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Problem Of Cell 13...

‘Lock me in any cell in any prison anywhere at any time, wearing only normal clothes and I’ll...

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Project Vampire +D


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Project Vampire +D

Max and Laura are involved in another mysterious case. This time a phantom thief seems to be able...

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Promessi Sposi (I) Libro


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Promessi Sposi (I) Libro

Sullo sfondo di una Milano del Seicento dominata dagli Spagnoli, attraversata dalla guerra e da...

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Promessi Sposi (I) Nuova Edizione Libro +D


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Promessi Sposi (I)...

Nella Lombardia del XVII secolo, tra guerre, carestie e pestilenze, si svolge la storia d`amore...

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Provence (En) +D


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Provence (En) +D

De Nice a la Camargue, en passant par Grasse et Avignon, vous decouvrirez les paysages et les...

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Qui File Cecile? Livre +D


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Qui File Cecile? Livre +D

Une jeune fille seule chez elle, sa photo a la television, une panne de courant generale, des...

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Railway Children (The) Bk +D


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Railway Children (The)...

The GREEN APPLE series is composed of illustrated graded readers. The readers are graded into...

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RajahS Diamond (The) Bk +D


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RajahS Diamond (The)...

The Rajah’s Diamond, the most precious diamond in the world, seems to bring bad luck on everyone...

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