Easy Readers

Книги издательства55

Mein Onkel Franz


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Mein Onkel Franz

Ein Fleischermeister, der als Pferdehandler nicht nur zu Geld kommt, sondern dadurch sogar...

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Murder Must Advertise


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Murder Must Advertise

Л. Д. Сэйерс

Detective story: Lord Peter Wimsey gets a job in a publicity agency under an assumed name in...

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Dans le premier cahier, le prisonnier Papillon, condamne au bagne malgre son innocence, part pour...

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K. Vonnegut

Billy Pilgrim is a time-traveler. He has seen his birth and death many times and the biggest...

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Speckled Band


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Speckled Band

A.C. Doyle

Sherlock Holmes is in action in this story about two young girls who live with their stepfather...

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Stay Out of the Basement


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Stefan Zweig. Novellen


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Stefan Zweig. Novellen

S. Zweig

In einer Sommernacht treibt ein Floss mit einem Fremden dem nordlichen Ufer des Genfer Sees zu....

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Stories from the Old Testament


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Stories from the Old...

The Old Testament is part of the Judeo-Christian heritage. This book brings together ten of the...

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Summer School Adventures


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Summer School Adventures

Six students arrive at a language school on the English South Coast, and become friends. On their...

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The Canterville Ghost


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The Canterville Ghost

Оскар Уайльд

"The Canterville Ghost" is one of Oscar Wilde`s best-loved stories. The amusing confrontation...

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The Canterville Ghost


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The Canterville Ghost

Оскар Уайльд

A funny and touching story about the American family Otis, who move into an old English castle...

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The Great Stone Face


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The Great Stone Face

Натаниель Готорн

High up on the mountainside, the Great Stone Face looks down at the people who live in the...

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The Inside Story


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The Inside Story

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The Jungle Books


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The Jungle Books

R. Kipling

When he wrote the jungle books in 1894, Kipling probably did not know that he was creating one of...

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The Pearl


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The Pearl

Джон Эонст Стейнбек

Coyotito, the baby boy, is to be the future for his parents, the young couple Kino and Juana,...

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Three Men in a Boat


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Three Men in a Boat

J.K. Jerome

Three Londoners set out in a rowing boat up the Thames, but all sorts of cracy things happen...

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Tortilla Flat


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Tortilla Flat

J. Steinbeck

Outside the city of Monterey, on the coast of California, in the early 1930s. It is in Tortilla...

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Treff mit Trimmel


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Treff mit Trimmel

Dieses Buch macht den Lcser mit dem Hamburger Haupt-kommissar Trimmel und seinen Mitarbeitern...

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Trois nouvelles


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Two Wexford Stories (Е28) Два рассказа инспектора Вексфорда


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Zwei Kriminalstories


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Дело смертоносной игрушки. The Case of the Deadly Toy


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Карнавал. El carnaval


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Катастрофа в "Кампин де Роз"/Catastrophe au Camping des Roses


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Катастрофа в "Кампин...

Patrick et Eric sont Ies meilieurs copains du monde jusqu`au jour ou Marie vient au Camping des...

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