Книги издательства6295

Obstetrics and gynecology. Volume I. Physiological obstetrics

42.42 USD

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Obstetrics and...

И. С. Сидорова Н.А. Никитина

This textbook contains materials concerning the essentials of the modern organization of...

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Obstetrics / ed. by V.E. Radzinskiy, A.M. Fuks, Сh.G. Gagaev. — M.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2019. — 880 p

98.32 USD
93.41 USD

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Obstetrics / ed. by...

The present textbook was developed in accordance with the Federal Educational Standard of the...

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Obstetrics and gynecology. Volume III. Operative obstetrics

19.35 USD

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Obstetrics and...

И. С. Сидорова Н.А. Никитина

Volume III of the basic university textbook on obstetrics and gynecology includes chapters...

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Obstetrics and gynecology. Volume IV. Gynecology

27.04 USD

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Obstetrics and...

И. С. Сидорова А. Л. Унанян Н.А. Никитина

Volume IV of the textbook presents the most important and significant information in gynecology...

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Obstetrics and gynecology. Volume II. Obstetric pathology

55.31 USD

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Obstetrics and...

И. С. Сидорова Н.А. Никитина

The volume II of the basic university textbook is dedicated to the most important issues of...

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Operative surgery and topographic anatomy. Practical surgical skills for students of years II–IV of medical universities and faculties program : tutorial guide. In 2 parts. Part II. Main elements of operational technique / edited by S. S. Dydykin. —

12.19 USD

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Operative surgery and...

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Operative surgery and topographic anatomy. Practical surgical skills for students of years II–IV of medical universities and faculties program : tutorial guide. In 2 parts. Part I. Surgical instruments / edited by S. S. Dydykin. — Moscow : GEOTARMedi

14.12 USD

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Operative surgery and...

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Organic chemistry. Textbook

59.36 USD

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Organic chemistry....

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Otorhinolaryngology. Textbook

68.89 USD

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В.Т. Пальчун А.И. Крюков М.М. Магомедов

The textbook provides a brief introduction to the fundamental basics of etiology, pathogenesis,...

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Pathophysiology: сoncise lectures, tests, cases: tutorial guide = Патофизиология. Курс лекций, тесты, задачи

42.88 USD

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Pathological Anatomy. Textbook

113.8 USD

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Pathological Anatomy....

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Persin, Слабковская, Картон: Orthodontics. Modern Methods of Diagnosing Dental Abnormalities, Dentition and Occlusion. Tutorial

38.14 USD

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Persin, Слабковская,...

The tutorial is devoted to implementing modern methods for diagnosing dentoalveolar anomalies and...

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Р.Н. Аляутдин

This textbook contains information in all areas of general and specifi c pharmacology. The basic...

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Pharmacology : Textbook / Translation of Russian textbook, 12th edition, revised and improved. — M. : ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2019. — 2nd edition. — 680 pages with illustrations

118.14 USD

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Pharmacology :...

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Phthisiatry: textbook = Фтизиатрия: Учебник

26.94 USD

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Phthisiatry: textbook...

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Phthisiatry. Textbook...

В. А. Кошечкин

In the textbook «Phthisiatry» basic information is presented on etiology, clinical...

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Physical examination of children. Tutorial

35.97 USD

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Physical examination...

Р.Р. Кильдиярова Ю. Ф. Лобанов Т.И. Легонькова

The tutorial presents the methodology of the physical examination of children of various age...

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Physical therapy. Tutorial guide

32.49 USD

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Physical therapy....

В.А. Епифанов А. В. Епифанов

This tutorial guide was prepared by lead experts in the field of physical therapy in accordance...

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Poprygina, Ilinova,...

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Preclinical course of dentistry. Part I. Introduction to dentistry : textbook / eds A. V. Sevbitov, A. E. Dorofeev. — Мoscow : GEOTAR-Media, 2024. — 184 p. : ill

41.86 USD

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Preclinical course of...

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Propedeutics of internal diseases: textbook: на англ.яз

149.75 USD

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Propedeutics of...

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31.02 USD

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Б.Д. Цыганков С.А. Овсянников

The textbook meets the requirements of the valid State Federal Educational Standard and...

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Rubber dam system: basic knowledge and practical skills for isolating the working field in clinical dentistry: tutorial guide

55.22 USD

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Rubber dam system:...

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Shashina, Makarova: Educational and methodological textbook for practical classes on hygiene. Tutorial

18.51 USD

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Shashina, Makarova:...

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