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Both Mac and Windows fans have spent years collecting bits of lore—a keyboard shortcut here, an...
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Few books on the market today go beyond discussing syntax and the barest rudiments of using...
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MCSE: The Core Exams in a Nutshell Second Edition, is the long-awaited update to the bestselling...
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MP3, standing for MPEG-1, Layer 3, is a codec for compressing the size of audio files for digital...
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Good programming--which is to say, programming that yields both efficient code and a profitable...
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Oracle performance analysts are always looking for ways to optimize the one thing database users...
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SQL*Loader is a ubiquitous tool in the Oracle world. It has been shipped with Oracle since at...
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PL/SQL, Oracles powerful procedural language, has been the cornerstone of Oracle application...
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Introduced a quarter-century ago, the Oracle database remains the leading enterprise relational...
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Oracle made a big decision a couple of years ago. The company decided to open certain aspects of...
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Checking links, batch editing HTML files, tracking users, and writing CGI scripts--these are the...
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Arguably the most capable of all the open source databases, PostgreSQL is an object-relational...
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Programming Python focuses on advanced uses of the Python programming/scripting language, which...
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Suitable for most any programmer who wants to master ASP.NET with an eye toward real-world...
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Jesse Liberty\'s Programming C# provides an adept and extremely well conceived guide to the C#...
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Programming Web Services with SOAP is a detailed guide to using SOAP and other leading web...
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The Python Cookbook is a collection of problems, solutions, and practical examples for Python...
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You know the rudiments of the SQL query language, yet you feel you arent taking full advantage of...
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Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual, Tiger Edition
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System Performance Tuning answers one of the most fundamental questions you can ask about your...
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The easy way to solve a performance problem--and the one to which hardware manufacturers love to...