Vintage Classics

Книги издательства111

Picture of Dorian Gray, the


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Picture of Dorian...

Dorian is a good-natured young man until he discovers the power of his own exceptional beauty. As...

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Pride and Prejudice


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Pride and Prejudice

Elizabeth Bennet is young, clever and attractive, but her mother is a nightmare and she and her...

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Quiet American (intro. Zadie Smith) Тихий американ


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Quiet American (intro....

Into the intrigue and violence of Indo-China comes Pyle, a young idealistic American sent to...

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Ripley Under Ground


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Ripley Under Ground

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Robinson Crusoe


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Robinson Crusoe

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Sense and Sensibility


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Sense and Sensibility

Elinor is as prudent as her sister Marianne is impetuous. Each must learn from the other after...

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Sophies Choice``


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Sophies Choice``

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Sound and Fury


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Sound and Fury

Ever since the first furore was created on its publication in 1929, "The Sound and the Fury" has...

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Still Life


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Still Life

Frederica Potter arrives at Cambridge University greedy for knowledge, sex and love. It isn`t...

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Strangers on a Train


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Strangers on a Train

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Tale of Body Thief


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Tale of Body Thief

In Miami, 1992, a tropical garden of a city where corruption pulses beneath the lush surface is...

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Tale of Two Cities, a


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Tale of Two Cities, a

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Tender is the Night


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Tender is the Night

Heartbreaking American masterpiece of the "Roaring Twenties" based on Fitzgerald`s own...

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Tess of the DUrbervilles``


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Tess of the...

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The Anatomy Lesson


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The Anatomy Lesson

At forty, the writer Nathan Zuckerman comes down with a mysterious affliction - pure pain,...

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The Devils of Loudon


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The Devils of Loudon

In 1634 Urbain Grandier, a handsome and successful seducer of women and priest of the parish of...

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The Ex-Wives


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The Ex-Wives

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The Football Factory (film tie-in)


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The Football Factory...

"The Football Factory" is on one level the most authentic book you`re likely to read about the...

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The Lambs Of London


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The Lambs Of London

Mary Lamb is confined by the restrictions of domesticity: her father is losing his mind, her...

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The Magus


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The Magus

J. Fowles

On a remote Greek Island, Nicholas Urfe finds himself embroiled in the deceptions of a master...

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The Quiet American


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The Quiet American

G. Greene

Into the intrigue and violence of Indo-China comes Pyle, a young idealistic American sent to...

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The stars` tennis balls


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The stars` tennis balls

S. Fry

For Ned, 1980 seems a blissful year. Handsome, charming, popular and talented, his life is...

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Thirteen Steps Down


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Thirteen Steps Down

A classic Rendellian loner, Mix Cellini is superstitious about the number 13. Living in a...

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Treasure Island


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Treasure Island

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Up at the Villa


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Up at the Villa

Mary Panton walls up her desires in a beautiful villa high up in the hills above Florence, as she...

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