Wordsworth Editions Ltd.

Книги издательства770

Complete Sherlock Holmes (HB)


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Complete Sherlock...

It is more than a century since the ascetic, gaunt and enigmatic detective, Sherlock Holmes, made...

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Complete Novels of James Joyce ***


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Complete Novels of...

This collection comprises of Joyce`s three novels, plus the short story collection Dubliners....

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Complete Novels of Jane Austen  (TPB)


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Complete Novels of...

Книга полностью на английском языке. Jane Austen is without question, one of England's most...

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Complete Prophecies/ Нострадамус. Предсказания


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Complete Prophecies/...

Who was Nostradamus, and what faith should we place in his predictions? This book gives objective...

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Complete Nonsense


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Complete Nonsense

The Owl and the Pussy-Cat, Calico Pie and The Pobble Who Has No Toes, together with Edward Lear`s...

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Complete Poems (Whitman)


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Complete Poems (Whitman)

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Complete Poems (Keats) /Собрание стихов


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Complete Poems (Keats)...

`What the imagination seizes as Beauty must be truth` So wrote the Romantic poet John Keats...

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Complete Illustrated Lewis Carroll  (TPB)


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Complete Illustrated...

Книга полностью на английском языке. Lewis Carroll is famed for his magical stories, "Alice in...

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Complete Fairy Tales (Grimm Br.)  HB


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Complete Fairy Tales...

The Brothers Grimm rediscovered a host of fairy tales. Together with their well-known tales of...

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Complete Works of W. Shakespeare (Шекспир. Полное собр. соч.)


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Complete Works of W....

William Shakespeare (1564-1616) is acknowledged as the greatest dramatist of all time. He excels...

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Complete Fairy Stories  (TPB)


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Complete Fairy Stories...

Hans Christian Andersen was born in Odense, the son of a shoemaker. His early life was wretched,...

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Complete Fairy Tales (Andersen) HB


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Complete Fairy Tales...

For 150 years, the tales of Hans Christian Andersen have been delighting both adults and...

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Complete Nonsense


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Complete Nonsense

E. Lear

`The Owl and the Pussy-Cat`, `Calico Pie` and `The Pobble Who Has No Toes`, together with Edward...

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Concise Dictionary of English Etymology


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Concise Dictionary of...

Walter Skeat (1835-1912) was one of the greatest investigators of the roots of the English...

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Confessions (Руссо. Опыты)


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Confessions (Руссо....

The World Literature series reproduces the greatest books the world over with only the highest...

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Confessions of an English Opium Eater. Признания опиумиста


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Confessions of an...

T. Quincey

`Confessions of an English Opium-Eater` (1821) relates Thomas De Quincey`s early life and...

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Couching at the Door


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Couching at the Door

Dorothy Kathleen Broster (1877-1950) is best known for her historical novels. But there is a...

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Cranford & Cousin Phillis


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Cranford & Cousin Phillis

The sheer variety and accomplishment of Elizabeth Gaskell`s shorter fiction is new volume...

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Crime Scenes - short stories


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Crime Scenes - short...

"Crime Scenes" is a sparkling collection of short stories written by modern masters and...

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Crime and Punishment


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Crime and Punishment

Crime and Punishment is one of the greatest and most readable novels ever written. From the...

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Crime and Punishment


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Crime and Punishment

F. Dostoevsky

`Crime and Punishment` is one of the greatest and most readable novels ever written. From the...

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Crimson Blind & Other Ghost Stories


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Crimson Blind & Other...

Mrs Everett was the last in a long line of gifted Victorian novelists who knew how to grip the...

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Crystal Egg, the and Other Stories


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Crystal Egg, the and...

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D.H. Lawrence (Savage Pilgrimage)


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D.H. Lawrence (Savage...

Catherine Carswell was one of the most loyal and dependable of D. H. Lawrence`s friends. When he...

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Daisy Miller


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Daisy Miller

Henry James` short novel `Daisy Miller` enjoyed a great succes do scandale when it was first...

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