Международная экономика

Международная экономика

Intercultural Differences in Negotiation. Austrian vs. Chinese Bargaining Behaviour


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Monika Vuong

Just some thought-provoking impulses - try to give an answer to these questions: Do Chinese...

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International Business Students Receptivity to International Careers. A study conducted among International Business students in the Netherlands concerning their interest to pursue an international career


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International Business...

Eli?tte Nuyens

Multinational organizations need to develop internationally sophisticated and skilled managers in...

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Internationalization of Service Firms. The case of Computer-Related Services


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Reza Etemad-Sajadi

In the context of globalization, firms providing computer-related (CR) services have a particular...

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Interkulturelle Kommunikation und  Investitionssicherheit. Strategien und Loesungsansaetze im Auslandsgeschaeft -  am Beispiel Italien


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Michaela Kwast

Die Erschliessung auslandischer Markte ist fur viele Unternehmen ein wichtiger Bestandteil der...

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Intercultural Influences in a Strategic Communication Process. A strategic communication process between an advertising agency and a company in South Africa according to a European Communication Model


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Johanna Schober

Integrated Communication is partly present in South Africa, whereas in Europe and the United...

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International and intercultural public relations. German and South African approaches to international and intercultural public relations - a comparative analysis


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International and...

Andrea S. Reckziegel

The presented book deals with the central topic international and intercultural public relations...

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International Diversification an Australian Perspective. International Diversification of Australian Equity Portfolios into Emerging Equity Markets


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Rakesh Gupta

This book provides an overview of the Australian equity market and develops a framework for...

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International Inequality


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International Inequality

Frederic P. Miller, Agnes F. Vandome, John McBrewster

International inequality is inequality between countries (cf. Milanovic 2002). Economic...

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Internationalization: An Information-processing  Perspective. A Study of the Use of Information and Communications  Technologies


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Gerard Danford

As the geographical boundaries of the firm expand, complex organizations emerge which need...

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International crisis


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International crisis

Frederic P. Miller, Agnes F. Vandome, John McBrewster

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! An international crisis is a crisis between states....

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Internationales Marketing in Lateinamerika. Erschlie?ung des Transformationsmarktes Venezuela durch deutsche Unternehmen


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Wiebke Schenck

Die Bedeutung des internationalen Marketings verstarkt sich fur Unternehmen unter dem Druck und...

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International Divestment as an Emergent Strategy. Australian Managerial Attitudes and Influential Factors


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This is a study on the nature and underlying features involved in making international...

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International Convention Center (Jerusalem)


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Frederic P. Miller, Agnes F. Vandome, John McBrewster

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! The...

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International Monetary Systems


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International Monetary...

Frederic P. Miller, Agnes F. Vandome, John McBrewster

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! International monetary systems are sets of...

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Internationalisierung kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen. Probleme, Loesungen unternehmensexterner Akteure, Handlungsempfehlungen


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Stefan Lage

Seit ihrem Beitritt zur Europaischen Union gebuhrt den mittel- und osteuropaischen Staaten...

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Internationaler Waehrungsfond und Weltbank. Anspruch und Wirklichkeit


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Diana Richter

Der zunehmende Bedeutungsverlust des IWF sowie anderer internationaler Entwicklungsorganisationen...

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International Joint Ventures. A Cultural Perspective


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International Joint...

Lung-Tan Lu

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International Freight Transportation. A Study on MNC-based China-Sweden Trade Flows


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International Freight...

Wenwen Jiao

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Interkulturelles Management. Besonderheiten der internationalen Projektarbeit am Beispiel der  Siemens AG


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Arvid Kreibohm

Die Internationalisierung und Globalisierung fuhrt zu einer starkeren Verflechtung...

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Dr. Isola is a proficient Business instructor with proven management track record in 3...

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Investieren in der Ukraine. Risikoabsicherung und Finanzierung aus oesterreichischer Sicht


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Investieren in der...

Guenther Lischka

1985 begann mit der Perestroika ein Prozess, der zum Ende des sozialistischen Wirtschafts- und...

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Investissement direct ?tranger et externalit?s technologiques. Strat?gies des firmes multinationales et politiques publiques


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Investissement direct...

Mosbah LAFI

Il est generalement accepte que les externalites emanant des investissements directs etrangers...

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Investitionsverhalten von Stromunternehmen bei Unsicherheit. Bestimmt durch sich wandelnde Bedingungen in der Unternehmensumwelt


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Lothar Sowa

Das Investitionsverhalten von Stromunternehmen in der Energiebranche ist von...

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Inwertsetzung regionaler Produkte am Beispiel des EU-Mitgliedsstaats Malta. Eine Untersuchung in den Bereichen Kultur- und Sozialgeographie, Agrargeographie und Tourismusgeographie


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Was macht ein erfolgreiches regionales Produkt aus? Wie wichtig ist die Authentizitat eines...

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Iraq Stock Exchange


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Iraq Stock Exchange

Lambert M. Surhone, Mariam T. Tennoe, Susan F. Henssonow

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Die Iraq Stock Exchange (dt. „Wertpapierborse des...

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