

Datentransport in multimedialen Systemen. Effiziente Pufferspeicher fuer schnellen Datentransport


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Datentransport in...

Eduard Siemens

Multimediale Kommunikationssysteme der neusten Generation fordern Netzdesigner und Netzplaner...

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Datenvisualisierung. Informationsvisualisierung von Datenbestaenden


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Bei jeder Visualisierung von Daten trifft man auf eine spezifische Problemdomane. Diese ist...

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Datenvisualisierung boolescher Anfragen. Interaktive Visualisierung fuer boolesche Ausdruecke


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Informationsvisualisierung ist ein relativ neues interdisziplinares Gebiet und befasst sich mit...

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Datensicherung und Archivierung. Moeglichkeiten im Buchverlag


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Datensicherung und...

Andrea Engel

Die gezielte Bereitstellung von Informationen setzt voraus, dass sie gespeichert werden. Dabei...

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Datenbankgestuetzte Bildschirmkarte zur Analyse von Verkehrsszenarien. Konzepte, Methoden, Implementierung


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Die Analyse grosser Datenmengen wird heutzutage von Computern durchgefuhrt, auf denen oft ein fur...

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Dave the Resurrector


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Dave the Resurrector

Lambert M. Surhone, Mariam T. Tennoe, Susan F. Henssonow

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Dave the Resurrector was a so-called "resurrector...

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Dave Cutler


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Dave Cutler

Lambert M. Surhone, Mariam T. Tennoe, Susan F. Henssonow

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia...

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Lambert M. Surhone, Mariam T. Tennoe, Susan F. Henssonow

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! davfs2 is an open-source GPL-licensed file system for...

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David A. McAllester


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David A. McAllester

Lambert M. Surhone, Mariam T. Tennoe, Susan F. Henssonow

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Professor David A. McAllester received his B.S.,...

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David A. Huffman


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David A. Huffman

Lambert M. Surhone, Mariam T. Tennoe, Susan F. Henssonow

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia...

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David Vignoni


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David Vignoni

Lambert M. Surhone, Mariam T. Tennoe, Susan F. Henssonow

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia...

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David Elboth


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David Elboth

Lambert M. Surhone, Mariam T. Tennoe, Susan F. Henssonow

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David Naccache


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David Naccache

Lambert M. Surhone, Mariam T. Tennoe, Susan F. Henssonow

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! David Naccache is a cryptographer, currently a...

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David Chaum


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David Chaum

Lambert M. Surhone, Mariam T. Tennoe, Susan F. Henssonow

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! David Chaum is the inventor of many cryptographic...

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David Wheeler (Computer Scientist)


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David Wheeler...

Lambert M. Surhone, Mariam T. Tennoe, Susan F. Henssonow

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia...

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David Em


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David Em

Frederic P. Miller, Agnes F. Vandome, John McBrewster

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia...

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Davids Midnight Magic


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Davids Midnight Magic

Lambert M. Surhone, Mariam T. Tennoe, Susan F. Henssonow

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia...

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Davies Attack


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Davies Attack

Lambert M. Surhone, Mariam T. Tennoe, Susan F. Henssonow

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! In cryptography, Davies' attack [sic] is a dedicated...

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Dawn Patrol (Video Game)


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Dawn Patrol (Video Game)

Lambert M. Surhone, Mariam T. Tennoe, Susan F. Henssonow

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia...

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Dawning Information Industry


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Dawning Information...

Lambert M. Surhone, Mariam T. Tennoe, Susan F. Henssonow

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Day Of The Viper


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Day Of The Viper

Lambert M. Surhone, Mariam T. Tennoe, Susan F. Henssonow

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia...

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Lambert M. Surhone, Mariam T. Tennoe, Susan F. Henssonow

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Daylife is the market leader in networked content...

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Lambert M. Surhone, Mariam T. Tennoe, Susan F. Henssonow

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Dayniile.com is the first Somali News Delivery...

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Days of Thunder (Video Game)


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Days of Thunder (Video...

Lambert M. Surhone, Mariam T. Tennoe, Susan F. Henssonow

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia...

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DayStar Digital


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DayStar Digital

Lambert M. Surhone, Mariam T. Tennoe, Susan F. Henssonow

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! DayStar Digital, Inc., was founded in 1983 by Andrew...

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