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Техническая литература

Objective PET  2Ed  For Schools Pack no ans (SB +R +Test Booklet)


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Objective PET 2Ed...

Louise Hashemi, Barbara Thomas

Revised edition of the best-selling course first published in 2003. Provides exam preparation and...

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Objective KET WB +ans


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Objective KET WB +ans


Objective KET offers students complete preparation for the Cambridge Key English Test. The course...

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Objective CAE 3Ed SB+key+Class CD+R


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Objective CAE 3Ed...

ODell, Felicity; Broadhead, Annie

An updated and revised edition of the Objective CAE course, which prepares students for Cambridge...

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Objective CAE 2Ed Self-study SB


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Objective CAE 2Ed...

O`Dell Felicity, Annie Broadhead

New Edition of Objective CAE, revised for the updated CAE exam syllabus to be introduced in...

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Objective FCE For Schools 3Ed Practice Test Bklt no ans


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Objective FCE For...

Chilton; Tiliouine

The Cambridge English: First for Schools exam has the same format and level as the existing First...

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Objective PET Pr Test Booklet no ans


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Objective PET Pr Test...

Louise Hashemi, Barbara Thomas

Objective PET provides exam preparation and practice for the PET exam. Objective PET for Schools...

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Objective KET SB


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Objective KET SB


Objective KET offers students complete preparation for the Cambridge Key English Test. The course...

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Objective PET Pr Test Booklet +D


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Objective PET Pr Test...

Louise Hashemi

Objective PET provides exam preparation and practice for the PET exam. This PET for Schools...

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Objective Prof S-S SB


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Objective Prof S-S SB


This course contains twenty short units providing a wide range of challenging topics and offering...

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Objective CAE 3Ed WB no key+Audio CD


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Objective CAE 3Ed WB...

ODell, Felicity; Broadhead, Annie

An updated and revised edition of the Objective CAE course, which prepares students for Cambridge...

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Objective CAE 3Ed SB no key+CD-ROM


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Objective CAE 3Ed SB...

ODell, Felicity; Broadhead, Annie

An updated and revised edition of the Objective CAE course, which prepares students for Cambridge...

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Objective PET  2Ed  WB no ans


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Objective PET 2Ed WB...

Louise Hashemi, Barbara Thomas

Objective PET Second edition Workbook without answers

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Objective Advanced. Workbook with Answers (+ CD)


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Objective Advanced....

ODell, Felicity; Broadhead, Annie

Objective First is an updated and revised edition of the best-selling Cambridge English: Advanced...

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Objective PET  2Ed  SB +ans +R


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Objective PET 2Ed SB...

Louise Hashemi, Barbara Thomas

Objective PET Second edition is a completely updated and revised edition of the best-selling...

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Objective Prof WB +ans


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Objective Prof WB +ans


This course contains twenty short units providing a wide range of challenging topics and offering...

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Objective FCE WB #ост./не издается#


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Objective FCE WB...


A clear organization and fresh approach have already made this course a popular route to success...

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Objective PET WB


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Objective PET WB


Objective PET is a lively course designed to guide students towards success at the Cambridge PET...

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Objective CAE 2Ed WB +ans


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Objective CAE 2Ed WB +ans

O`Dell Felicity, Annie Broadhead

This course has been revised for the updated CAE exam syllabus to be introduced in December 2008....

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Objective KET TB


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Objective KET TB


Objective KET offers students complete preparation for the Cambridge Key English Test. The course...

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Objective CAE 3Ed WB+key+Audio CD


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Objective CAE 3Ed...

ODell, Felicity; Broadhead, Annie

An updated and revised edition of the Objective CAE course, which prepares students for Cambridge...

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Objective: CAE: Workbook: With Answers


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Objective CAE 3Ed SB+key+CD-ROM


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Objective CAE 3Ed...

ODell, Felicity; Broadhead, Annie

An updated and revised edition of the Objective CAE course, which prepares students for Cambridge...

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Objective IELTS Int TB


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Objective IELTS Int TB


Objective IELTS is a 2-level IELTS preparation course providing comprehensive training for both...

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Objective PET  2Ed  WB with answers


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Objective PET 2Ed WB...

Louise Hashemi, Barbara Thomas

Objective PET Second edition is a completely updated and revised edition of the best-selling...

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Objective CAE, Student`s Book


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Objective CAE,...

Felicity O`Dell, Annie Broadhead

Objective CAE is a new course from Cambridge University Press. Like Objective FCE, it combines...

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